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FAYETTEVILLE, Ark. — The University of Arkansas established a National Association of Hispanic Journalists chapter on campus.

The NAHJ serves to advance opportunities for Hispanic students, professionals and educators in the journalism field by offering professional development and networking with other Hispanic journalists.

With the creation of the University of Arkansas chapter, Hispanic journalism students now have a venue to develop their professional careers. The chapter will teach students professional skills like interview confidence and how to market oneself as a potential employee to employers.

Chapter advisor Ninette Sosa said she saw the need for representation of Hispanics in the media and decided to take action. Her work in the field of journalism led her to notice just how underrepresented Hispanics are.

The chapter said they are excited to help Hispanic students find community with people of their culture. With the rising population of Hispanics in the country, the chapter wants to increase opportunities for them in the media.

“This chapter will focus on aiding members in developing journalistic skills, resources, and networking. Most importantly, building confidence and skills in hopes that representation of Hispanics is incorporated into media in the future more,” said President Lauren Burgess.

The University of Arkansas chapter is the 26th chapter nationally and the first and only chapter in the state of Arkansas. Sosa said they hope to give assistance to other universities in the state wanting to start their own chapter.

Kimpel Hall is the primary building on campus for journalism opportunities

With the lack of representation for the Hispanic population in the media, it can be hard to find employment in the industry. However, Burgess offers advice to any Hispanic students wanting to create change.

“Media representation can and is still improving,” Burgess said. “Be apart of this change, the reason for this improvement, and a role model for future journalists who come from underrepresented backgrounds.”

The chapter plans to attend the Arkansas State Press Association meeting in Little Rock this April. Chapter President Lauren Burgess said that the meeting will be an amazing networking opportunity for members.

Chapter advisor Ninette Sosa’s office is located in Kimpel Hall 149

To get involved with the NAHJ chapter, contact Ninette Sosa by email or visit her office in Kimpel 149. The chapter can also be found on Instagram @nahj.arkansas.

“We welcome all Hispanic journalists that are interested at all to please consider being a member,” Burgess said. “The future for more members of the Latino community in the media starts with you!”